Cimtogo to produce first output, post-expansion, next month

Economic governance
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 16:45
Cimtogo to produce first output, post-expansion, next month

(Togo First) - Works to expand Cimtogo’s cement plant are almost done. The Managing Director of HeidelbergCement’s subsidiary, Eric Goulignac, announced on May 18, 2021, that the plant’s first output would be produced in June 2021.  

The announcement was made during a visit by the minister of investment promotion, Kayi Midevor, and the minister of trade, Kodjo Adedze. 

The plant, which cost about CFA20 billion (30 million pounds), should increase Cimtogo’s production capacity to 2.1 million tons per year. It should bolster competition against other companies operating in the country, namely Dangote, Wacem, and the cement factory of Burkinabe mogul, Kanazoé (the latter plans to produce 2.5 million tons of cement per year).

Cimtogo’s expansion should also generate 1,000 more jobs, thus aligning with the second axis of the government's 2020-2025 roadmap, lauded Minister Midevor. 

Established in Togo for over 50 years, HeidelbergCement has a grinding plant in Kara and an integrated clinker factory in Tabligbo. These two will also be expanded in the coming months. 

Adding monies spent on the ongoing expansion, the firm has injected $250 million within the last nine years only in the West African country.

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