Togo: Chamber of Trade Gets New Boss, José Symenouh

Economic governance
Monday, 19 August 2024 14:59
Togo: Chamber of Trade Gets New Boss, José Symenouh

(Togo First) - The Togolese Chamber of Trade and Industry, CCIT, has a new boss: José Symenouh. He was elected last Friday, August 16, in Lomé, at the first session of the Chamber’s new consular assembly.

Symenouh, former manager of NSIA-Togo, won 43 of 75 votes and came ahead of Patrick Magnon, who won 31 votes. 

The CCIT’s new chairman is a well-known businessman in Togo. He headed several businesses across various sectors–including insurance and higher education. He currently heads the Association des Grandes Entreprises du Togo (AGET)(Togo’s Large Business Association) and owns an insurance and engineering consulting firm.  

As the CCIT’s boss, Symenouh will help foster cooperation between the private sector and the government. Symenhou’s predecessor was Natahlie Bito. She was appointed in December 2020. 

Esaïe Edoh

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