Togo: Technical Education Gets a Boost with New Partnership

Economic governance
Thursday, 20 March 2025 10:22
Togo: Technical Education Gets a Boost with New Partnership

(Togo First) - Togo has taken a major step forward in technical and vocational education. On March 18, 2025, four key institutions—Institut national de formation et de perfectionnement professionnels (INFPP), the Agence de l'Éducation-Développement (AED), the Centre régional de formation pour l'entretien routier (CERFER), and the Centre de formation aux métiers de l'industrie (CFMI) —signed a partnership agreement in Lomé to revamp the sector.

The agreement, outlined in 10 articles, focuses on three main areas: sharing expertise, providing necessary equipment, and offering market-driven training. The initiative aligns with Togo’s 2020-2025 government roadmap and Sustainable Development Goal 4, which promotes quality education.

The initial three-year pilot phase targets critical fields like refrigeration, civil engineering, air conditioning, car mechanics, and plumbing. This move was prompted by a lack of applications in recent teacher recruitment, as noted by Assedi Kossi Ikélé, Director at the Ministry for Technical Education.

Ikélé hailed the agreement as "a major step towards overhauling and improving the Togolese education system," emphasizing its role in enhancing quality education and workforce integration. INFPP Director Emile Kossi N'Guissan added that it supports Togo's 2018 education policy that promotes teaching excellence. “This partnership reinforces our commitment to ensuring quality education across the country,” he said. 

Esaïe Edoh


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