WACA: Togo secures $12 million from World Bank’s IDA to protect its coastline

Economic governance
Monday, 21 February 2022 10:47
WACA: Togo secures $12 million from World Bank’s IDA to protect its coastline

(Togo First) - As part of the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA), Togo received another $12 million (CFA7 billion) from the International Development Association (IDA) near the end of December 2021. Togo First obtained the information from experts close to the matter. 

The funds, which are equally divided into a loan and a grant, will be used to continue anti-erosion works in one of the two areas that are most threatened by the phenomenon in Togo. The coastline concerned spans 18 km, going from Agbodrafo to Aného.

Togo received the financing at the same time as Benin which secured $24 million to protect 23km of its coastline.

Excluding the $12 million recently provided, funding for the WACA Togo project currently stands at $55 million. It was provided by the World Bank ($45 million), the Global Environment Facility ($7.5 million), and the Togolese State ($3 million), for five years. 

The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program is deployed in six West African countries that have access to the sea. In Togo, it covers the Mono, Zio, and Haho basins, as well as the Southern Togo lagoon zone and the Gbaga canal which are shared by Togo and Benin.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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