Togo: Faure Gnassingbé promises to provide at least 20% of public procurements to young entrepreneurs

Economic governance
Wednesday, 24 January 2018 11:02
Togo: Faure Gnassingbé promises to provide at least 20% of public procurements to young entrepreneurs

(Togo First) - In its New Year’s message, President Faure Gnassingbé has promised to award 20% of public procurements to young local entrepreneurs. “I plan to set aside up to 20% of public procurements to young entrepreneurs and women, who by the way will benefit from simplified procedures,” the president said.

This commitment aligns with the government’s will to boost socio-economic inclusion of youth in the country, as entrepreneurship is expanding.

Togo’s youth, whose dynamism and involvement must be supported, will be at the center of the State’s actions. I am convinced that the answers to the issues of education, employment and youth insertion will be found by the youth themselves, through their contributions and thinking,” noted Faure Gnassingbé.

Expectations for the commitment are high, in Lomé especially. Ismaël Tanko, managing director Togo Timati, quoted by TogoTopInfos, said in this regard: “We are excited about this promise given that, if this measure, which is already in the SME/SMI charter, is concretized, it would be a true breath of air for young entrepreneurs and an additional mean to promote enterprises and local products. Moreover, the measure will push young entrepreneurs, desiring to benefit from it but who still operate in the informal sector, to regularize their business, subsequently generating tax income.

For some months now, Togolese government has implemented multiple measures to attract both local and foreign investors such as in the case of the card, the recent cancellation of minimum capital for LLC. Impacts of this decision are much anticipated during this quarter.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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