Togo Passes Landmark Climate Change Law

Economic governance
Monday, 24 March 2025 16:00
Togo Passes Landmark Climate Change Law

(Togo First) - The Togolese National Assembly unanimously adopted a new climate change law on March 20, 2025. The new law is a milestone in the country’s environmental preservation efforts.

In detail, it establishes a legal and institutional framework for climate adaptation and mitigation policies. It also outlines tools and mechanisms to support Togo's environmental transition and emphasizes the economic value of ecosystem services and natural capital.

Commenting on the adoption, Foli-Bazi Katari, Environment Minister said: "This specific law gives the government additional leverage to frame the development process by sufficiently integrating communities' adaptation to the phenomenon and keeping the country's commitment to contribute to reducing emissions."

Some major climate change consequences that Togo experiences include recurrent flooding, prolonged drought, coastal erosion, and intense heat waves.

This new climate law aligns with Togo's international commitments. In the past few years, Lomé has intensified its anti-climate change actions. Togo adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1995.

This article was initially published in French by Esaïe Edoh

Edited in English by Ola Schad Akinocho


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