Lomé to Host Women’s Entrepreneurship Fair in July

Economic governance
Monday, 24 March 2025 16:03
Lomé to Host Women’s Entrepreneurship Fair in July

(Togo First) - Lomé will host the inaugural International Women's Entrepreneurship Fair

(SIEF) from July 24 to 26, 2025. Backed by the Citoyens d'Afrique Foundation and KD Group, this event will spotlight female innovation under the theme “Africa of all opportunities.”

The SIEF will focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 5, 8, and 9), offering a platform for women in the private sector to connect, learn, and grow. The event will feature hands-on training, workshops, mentoring sessions, project pitches to investors, and awards for standout projects.

The fair will also include a symposium on “Women, the Law and Empowerment,” specialized training for craftswomen and artists, and wellness areas to showcase a holistic approach to women’s economic empowerment.

According to Kayi Dogbé, chair of the organizing committee, "This exhibition aims to celebrate the creative genius of African women and their role in the economy.”

Female entrepreneurs can submit their projects now via www.sief.africa.

This article was initially published in English by Ayi Renaud Dossavi

Edited in English by Ange Jason Quenum


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