ECOWAS: Customs Directors General Meet in Lomé to Discuss SIGMAT Deployment on Abidjan-Lagos Corridor

Economic governance
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 16:29
ECOWAS: Customs Directors General Meet in Lomé to Discuss SIGMAT Deployment on Abidjan-Lagos Corridor

(Togo First) - Lomé has been hosting a meeting of the subregion's customs directors general since Monday, June 24, 2024, to discuss the deployment of the Interconnected System for the Management of Goods in Transit (SIGMAT) on the Abidjan-Lagos corridor. The work, which is part of the activities of the ECOWAS commission, aims to "discuss the deployment of SIGMAT in member countries," explained Piguendéléwè Akaya, Director of Customs Operations at Lomé-Port, representing the head of the OTR, at the opening of the executives' meeting on June 25.

SIGMAT is a tool that enables the exchange of data and the electronic tracking of goods in transit between the customs administrations of the member states of the West African sub-region, with the effect of reducing the time it takes to pass through the various customs posts on the corridor where it is in force. "The exchange of information through SIGMAT will ultimately promote the securing of goods and merchandise, the fight against fraud, the control of tax and customs revenues, as well as the reliability of statistical data in member states," adds the official.

Mohamed Ibn Chambas, representative of the ECOWAS Commission and its Operational Commission on the Trade Liberalization Scheme, states that "the present meeting should enable us to identify the last administrative and technical obstacles to the deployment of the segments and to provide ideal solutions as soon as possible."

The ECOWAS Commission decided to adopt the transit goods management system since its adoption in Abidjan in 2019, as a standard for implementing these systems. Since then, it has been progressively operationalized in countries such as Togo, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, and Niger.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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