AfDB approves Togo’s 2021-2026 strategy to improve social inclusion and governance

Economic governance
Monday, 27 December 2021 16:18
AfDB approves Togo’s 2021-2026 strategy to improve social inclusion and governance

(Togo First) - The African Development Bank (AfDB) approved its 2021-2026 strategy for Togo last week, on Dec 17th precisely. The Abidjan-based Bank greenlit the document during its General Assembly.  

The new framework, which should support Togo's government roadmap, focuses on two key areas: developing inclusive growth poles and social inclusion policies, and strengthening financial and sectoral governance.

"The strategy aims to support the acceleration of the structural transformation and diversification of the Togolese economy to create decent jobs with high added value. It will also build socio-economic resilience for sustainable and inclusive growth," AfDB said. 

The Pan-African Bank, which is led by Adesina Akinwumi (photo), also validated two mechanisms to support Togo’s private sector. They are the Support Project for Governance and Private Sector Development and a grant to support the promotion of investment and the development of public-private partnerships.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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