Togo and South Korea look to deepen their cooperation

Economic governance
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 19:22
Togo and South Korea look to deepen their cooperation

(Togo First) - The minister of foreign affairs of Togo, Robert Dussey, was in South Korea last week. 

On the occasion, the two countries reiterated their commitment to deepen their cooperation in key sectors like agriculture, health, education, renewable energy, and ICTs, Dussey reported on his website

The Togolese official presented to the Korean side Togo’s 2025 government roadmap. While doing so,  he highlighted the investment opportunities offered by the Adétikopé Industrial Platform (PIA), as well as Togo’s ambition to consolidate its position as a logistics and service hub in West Africa.

Regarding cooperation and support for development, "Minister Dussey also exchanged with the presidents of the Korean Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), the Korea-Africa Foundation as well as with representatives of various Korean companies."

South Korea and Togo have been cooperating for years and the Asian country has been supporting its African partner in several areas, notably technology, agriculture, and education. Earlier this year, Seoul mobilized about CFA3 billion to advance education in the Savanes region, northern Togo.

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