Togo: Two deals inked to help IFAD graduates start a business

Economic governance
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 19:24
Togo: Two deals inked to help IFAD graduates start a business

(Togo First) - Graduates and upcoming students of the IFAD training institutes in Togo should have more ease getting financing to launch their businesses in the coming years. This is thanks to two partnership agreements signed last Wednesday, March 22, at the IFAD of Elavagnon in the East Mono Prefecture. 

The first deal was signed between the Education-Development Agency (AED) and the Ministry of Grassroots Development. It will help all IFAD graduates to secure funds for their professional integration projects.

The second deal is a tripartite agreement between IFAD Aquaculture, the Support Fund for Youth Economic Initiatives (FAIEJ), and the microfinance COOPEC-AD. It will allow the co-financing of business plans of young entrepreneurs.

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The two agreements were signed about a month after the graduation of the first cohort of trainees of Elavagnon’s IFAD. The latter provides training in aquaculture.

This cohort was the first to graduate from the IFAD. It included 113 youths–27 young women and 86 young men.

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