HAPLUCIA Ramps Up Efforts to Tackle Corruption in Public Procurement Area

Economic governance
Wednesday, 28 August 2024 14:28
HAPLUCIA Ramps Up Efforts to Tackle Corruption in Public Procurement Area

(Togo First) - Togo's High Authority for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption (HAPLUCIA) has launched regional workshops to reduce corruption in the public procurement process. The workshops kicked off on August 26, 2024, in Lomé, during a two-day meeting themed "Role and responsibilities of members of public procurement management bodies in preventing and combating corruption in public procurement ". The HAPLUCIA teamed up with the procurement regulation authority for this project.

In detail, the workshops aim to educate officials about their roles and responsibilities, by better acquainting them with anti-corruption laws.

According to HAPLUCIA’s President, Kimelabalou Agba, insufficient knowledge of the laws in place is a major cause for persistent corruption. “Despite the efforts made by the various States, corruption persists in all sectors. This situation can be explained by ignorance of the texts…the fight against corruption in public procurement requires action at several levels. Some of the actors most likely to be corrupted are those managing public procurement deals,” the official said.

Dagba also said public officials must have integrity, be impartial, and refuse bribes.

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