Togo Presents Energy Sector Projects for MCC Compact Program

Economic governance
Monday, 30 September 2024 09:57
Togo Presents Energy Sector Projects for MCC Compact Program

(Togo First) - On September 25, Togo presented feasibility studies for several energy-related projects it seeks to have covered by the Compact Program of Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The projects aim to expand the electricity grid, boost access to electricity, and enhance regulatory policies and the skills of energy sector workers.

They include the PEREGL, which aims to extend electricity networks in Greater Lomé (PEREGL), the ER322 Rural Electrification project, and enhancements to the Tinga Fund. The projects are designed to improve the reliability of electricity transmission and distribution while expanding access to energy.

They align with the government's goal of universal electricity access by 2030. They complement other initiatives, such as Cizo and the Tinga Fund, which have raised Togo's electrification rate from 54% in 2020 to 69% in 2024, with rural electrification increasing from 18% to 30%.

With energy, ICT is another area of focus, under the MCC’s Compact for the Togolese authorities. According to the government, both are key drivers for transforming Togo's economy and improving citizens' quality of life.

Esaïe Edoh


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