Togo adheres to the OECD’s multilateral convention to fight tax evasion

Economic governance
Friday, 31 January 2020 15:50
Togo adheres to the OECD’s multilateral convention to fight tax evasion

(Togo First) - Yesterday, January 30, Togo adhered to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) multilateral convention for administrative assistance in tax matters (known as “The Convention”). 

The convention was signed at the OECD’s headquarters in Paris, by Calixte Batossie Madjoulba, Togo’s ambassador to France, and Ludger Schuknecht, general deputy secretary of the OECD. 

Togo is, therefore, the 136th nation to sign the convention which enables adherents to enjoy on-demand information sharing, support in the event of fiscal control abroad, simultaneous tax controls, or help in collecting taxes. 

Developed in 1988, the multilateral convention guarantees better protection to taxpayers of adhering States. With it, more than 100 jurisdictions worldwide can easily share data on offshore financial accounts. It is the most important tool used to tackle illicit financial flows.  


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