Togo Announces Introduction of English in Preschool and Primary Education

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 03:01
Togo Announces Introduction of English in Preschool and Primary Education

(Togo First) - Starting from the next academic year, which opens on September 25th, English will be taught in all preschools and primary schools across Togo. The news, which aims to further integrate the language into the country’s education system, was announced last Friday by the Minister of Primary, Secondary, and Technical Education, Komla Dodzi Kokoroko.

"The pilot phase of introducing English at the preschool and primary levels will begin in the 2023-2024 academic year at selected schools, focusing solely on the preparatory course level (CP). Other levels will be incorporated in the following years," the Minister said.

The move aligns with the government's vision of equipping young students with linguistic and communicative skills in English. It is also influenced by Togo’s recent adhesion (June 2022) to the Commonwealth in June 2022.

A committee has been set up to steer the initiative, and it has been actively working on providing various resources, including both physical and digital educational materials, audio recordings, videos, guides, textbooks, and tutorials for lesson planning.

Esaïe Edoh

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