UNESCO backs Togo’s efforts to improve its education system

Monday, 21 February 2022 13:54
UNESCO backs Togo’s efforts to improve its education system

(Togo First) - UNESCO will help Togo improve its education system. Last Thursday, the UN body held a meeting in Lomé, to assess the country’s needs in this sector, in line with the Educational Resources project which was launched in June 2021 and will be financed by the French Development Agency (AFD).

The meeting, which gathered actors of the education sector, allowed UNESCO to identify the steps it needs to take to help improve education in Togo. Ultimately, the organization’s support should enable the West African country to bolster its strategy for producing and disseminating educational resources, including textbooks.

Among others, UNESCO said it noticed that many French-speaking countries, including Togo, lacked textbooks and other educational resources essential for quality education. Hence, 16 countries will benefit from this project, starting with Togo and two others picked as pilot countries.

Over the past years, Togolese authorities have undertaken several initiatives to improve education. The latest is a project that aims to build 30,000 classrooms in the country by 2025.

Esaïe Edoh

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