Nigeria Recognizes Degrees Issued by Only Three Togolese Universities

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 14:53
Nigeria Recognizes Degrees Issued by Only Three Togolese Universities

(Togo First) - A few months ago, Nigeria stopped accepting degrees issued by Togolese and Beninese universities. A move resulting from a shocking investigation.

The University of Lomé, Kara, and the Catholic University of West Africa (UCAO) are the only three Togolese universities issuing degrees recognized by the Nigerian government. 

Before the recent disclosure, Nigeria had stopped accepting degrees issued by all Togolese and Beninese universities; a decision taken after an investigation found that over 22,000 fake degrees had been issued to Nigerians studying in Benin and Togo–21,000 in Benin and 1,000 in Togo.

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According to Nigerian Education Minister, Tahir Mamman, the ban has been partially lifted. Now, he said degrees from only eight universities (three in Togo and five in Benin) are accepted. Meanwhile, Kenya, Uganda, and Niger also face scrutiny from Nigeria.

Togo's higher education authorities are yet to comment on these developments. A few months ago, soon after the investigation’s findings were made public, Togolese authorities started negotiations with the Nigerian side. At the time, Togo blamed non-accredited or closed private universities that issued false diplomas.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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