Who is Mila Aziablé, the youngest minister of the new government?

Saturday, 03 October 2020 17:49
Who is Mila Aziablé, the youngest minister of the new government?

(Togo First) - Mila Aziable, 29, is the new Minister Delegate to the President of the Republic, in charge of Energy and Mines. 

She thus leaves her position as a gas operations engineer at GRTGaz, a subsidiary of ENGIE which is the world’s third-largest power developer, to become Togo’s youngest minister. Aziable replaces Marc Ably Bidamon who had been holding the seat since 2015. 

After graduating from high school in Lomé with a C4 Baccalaureate, she enrolled in the national school of engineering at the University of Lomé (ENSI) where she obtained a scholarship to study in France at the national engineering school of Metz (ENIM). 

In 2012, after getting an engineering degree at ENIM, she specialized in engineering and gas management at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris. 

In 2018, she was admitted to Sciences Po where she secured an executive master’s degree in development and management policies - A turning point in the youth’s career. 

As minister delegate in charge of energy and mines, Mila Aziablé’s main mission will be to advance the goals of national electrification strategy relative to clean energies, as well as carry out key power projects. This is in a context where Togo’s electrification rate is around 50%, with disproportionalities in localities.

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