Togo: Power utility CEET seeks out expertise of entrepreneurs, youth and women, to build power lines

Monday, 09 September 2019 17:27
Togo: Power utility CEET seeks out expertise of entrepreneurs, youth and women, to build power lines

(Togo First) - Togo’s power utility, Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo (CEET), launched a tender to hire young entrepreneurs and women, for the construction of medium and low tension power lines.

The project is divided into two, covering Gbétsogbé, Totsi, Agoè Gbonvé and Plateau Bethel. The tender which closes on Sept. 26, 2019 should lead to the selection of 10 entrepreneurs.

Reaching out to this category of entrepreneurs aligns with the government’s new entrepreneurship promotion policy. 

Under the policy launched last year, initially 20% of public contracts had been set aside for young businessmen and women. As a result, the group secured contracts worth more than XOF12 billion. Earlier this year however, the share of public contracts reserved for them was increased to 25%.

Sena Akoda

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