In Togo, the CIZO project welcomes three newcomers

Friday, 14 February 2020 10:58
In Togo, the CIZO project welcomes three newcomers

(Togo First) - Three new firms have joined BBOXX and SOLEVA on the CIZO rural energy project in Togo. These are Moon, Solergie and Fenix International. 

The first of the newcomers, Moon, is a French firm yielded by the crowdlending platform Solylend. Under CIZO, it will provide its Moon Kit which is a solar system that provides lighting and charges USB devices. It comes with a Moonphone, which is a special smartphone through which beneficiaries are to pay back for the kit. 

Solergie, a Belgian firm that partnered with Total in 2018, will roll out its SolergieBox in Togo’s rural areas. This is a solar system to which up to eight users can connect.“The SolergieBoxes are connected to our online platform via a mobile network,” the company says. 

The last of the three firms, Fenix INTL., is a subsidiary of French multinational Engie (since 2017). Based in Uganda where its main activity is located, it is a pioneer on the home solar systems market in Africa.

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