Togo: CEET reduces connection fees by 50%, to improve business climate

Wednesday, 19 December 2018 18:54
Togo: CEET reduces connection fees by 50%, to improve business climate

(Togo First) - Initially cut by 30%, fees for connection to medium-voltage distribution networks of the nation’s power utility, Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo (CEET), have now been reduced by 50%, Togo First learnt.

“Fees for provision and installation, VAT excluded, and advances on consumption, in relation to connection to the medium tension (electric equipment and meters) which were initially reduced by 30% are now decreased by 50%,”  reads a note from the power utility’s general directorate.

According to the public company, the new reduction aligns with the government’s will to improve Togo’s business climate, by enabling newly established firms to thrive.

Since November 28, 2018, the decrease has been effective and the fees payment can be made over six months. However, a first tranche has to be paid before connection begins. 

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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