Togo: French Development Agency Invests CFA6.5 Billion in Agoè-Nyivé Solar Plant

Friday, 21 February 2025 09:26
Togo: French Development Agency Invests CFA6.5 Billion in Agoè-Nyivé Solar Plant

(Togo First) - The French Development Agency (AFD) will invest CFA6.5 billion in a solar power plant in Agoè-Nyivé, in the Greater Lomé region. 

 AFD Director Zolika Bouabdallah announced this on February 17, in a meeting with the Greater Lomé Governor Zouréhatou Kassah-Traoré and French Ambassador to Togo, Augustin Favereau. They also discussed ongoing AFD-backed projects in Lomé, the Togolese capital. 

With a projected 8-10 MW capacity, the solar plant will cost about €10 million (CFA6.5 billion). Its output will be added to the national grid. The project aligns with the government’s ambition for universal electricity access by 2030.

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The solar plant initiative is also part of France's commitment to Togo’s development, covering sectors like agriculture, education, vocational training, energy, water, and sanitation.

One major project that the AFD backs in Togo is the Lomé Urban Environment Project (PEUL). This program aims to improve living conditions in Greater Lomé. It has been implemented in phases, with the current phase running until 2026 and a fourth phase starting in 2023 and lasting until 2027.

This article was initially published in French by Esaïe Edoh

Edited in English by Ola Schad Akinocho


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