Unpaid Debts from Neighboring Countries Harm Nigeria's Energy Sector, Says Regulator

Friday, 23 August 2024 16:37
Unpaid Debts from Neighboring Countries Harm Nigeria's Energy Sector, Says Regulator

(Togo First) - Nigeria's electricity regulator, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), has expressed frustration over unpaid debts from Niger, Benin, and Togo, which together owe $14.19 million for electricity supplied in the first quarter of 2024.

In a recent report, NERC criticized foreign electricity companies, particularly Société Béninoise d'Énergie Électrique (SBEE) in Benin and Compagnie Énergie Électrique du Togo (CEET), for not making due payments. Benin owes $3.15 million for the Para-SBEE partnership and $4.46 million for Transcorp-SBEE. Niger owes $1.21 million for Mainstream-NIGELEC, while Togo has a debt of $5.36 million for electricity from the Odukpani power plant.

NERC noted that none of these companies have paid their invoices issued by the Market Operator, which is part of the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN). This situation follows a previous report of $51.26 million in payment arrears for electricity exported in 2023.

The regulator warned that these unpaid debts are harming the Nigerian energy sector and urged the Market Operator to enforce market rules to address this "financial indiscipline."

Last May, the Federal Government also expressed concern about the growing arrears from international electricity consumers, stating that these delays are affecting Nigeria's ability to maintain stable energy production.

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