Electricity: Nigeria to connect its grid to eight other West African nations, including Togo

Friday, 23 August 2019 17:18
Electricity: Nigeria to connect its grid to eight other West African nations, including Togo

(Togo First) - Nigeria wants to build a power transmission line that connects it to eight other West African nations, including Togo, according to Ecofin Agency.

“We will have a 330kV line going from Northern Nigeria to Benin, Togo, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire”, said Mohammed Gur Usman, Executive Director of the Transmission Company of Nigeria.

“Besides this infrastructure, another line with similar capacity will connect Senegal to Ghana, passing through Guinea Bissau, Mali and Burkina Faso,” he added.

Feasibility studies for both projects have already been launched and procedures have been initiated near relevant ECOWAS entities to ensure the smooth realization of related works.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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