Togo: Government reveals its ambitious new electrification strategy

Wednesday, 27 June 2018 17:54
Togo: Government reveals its ambitious new electrification strategy

(Togo First) - Togo wants to achieve 50%, 75% and 100% electrification by 2020, 2025 and 2030 respectively.

A vision backed by a new strategy that is currently being discussed with various lenders and major energy firms, at a roundtable held in Lomé. While the strategy is estimated to cost CFA1000 billion, the government wishes to initially raise CFA180 billion from potential investors. 50% of the total sum is to come from private sector.

Togo’s new electrification strategy relies on an optimal combination pairing off-grid and on-grid technologies.

To bring light to the three million people who still have no access to power in the country, the government plans to build more than 300 mini-solar plants via private-public partnerships. In addition, there is the CIZO initiative which aims to power more than 555,000 households using solar kits, by 2030.

On traditional grid, the country wants to connect 800,000 households to the infrastructure. This will be done either by connecting new areas with no access to energy or connecting people living in electrified areas but who have no access to power.

The project which is supported by the International Finance Corporation was lauded by many institutions such as the International Solar Alliance.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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