African Microfinance Week: Over 1,300 experts and stakeholders expected in Lomé

Friday, 13 October 2023 16:28
African Microfinance Week: Over 1,300 experts and stakeholders expected in Lomé

(Togo First) - Over 1,300 experts and stakeholders of the microfinance sector should attend the sixth edition of the African Microfinance Week (AMW). Set to take place in Lomé, from October 16 to 20, the event’s theme is: "Towards inclusive and sustainable finance".

"Experts and players in the microfinance sector, from some sixty countries, in Africa and other parts of the world, are expected in Togo to reflect on the development of this sector in which our country has achieved appreciable performance, occupying first place in the WAEMU, in terms of financial inclusion rate, reads the report of the latest council of ministers of Togo, held on October 11.

The African Microfinance Week is a biennial event that promotes financial inclusion in Africa. Organized by the network of African microfinance institutions, with the support of the Togolese government, via the Ministry of Financial Inclusion, the event will feature talks on hurdles hampering inclusive finance on the continent.

Participants will explore ways to develop the sector; a  sector which has experienced significant growth in Togo. 

During the coming event, there will also be high-level conferences, networking opportunities, specialized training courses, and an investor fair aimed at improving access to financial services for those who are excluded from traditional financial systems.

According to the Togolese minister for financial inclusion and the informal sector, Mazamesso Assih, the meeting will also be an opportunity to highlight and share Togo's experience with other countries regarding microfinance.

Faure Gnassingbe’s country bests all its WAEMU peers when it comes to financial inclusion. With a  penetration rate of 85.72% in 2022 (against 82.72% in 2021), Togo is ahead of Benin (85.52%) and Côte d'Ivoire (82.2%).

This week, Lomé hosted the SME Champions Forum, a pan-African gathering of financial, banking, and entrepreneurial players focusing on SMEs.

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