Yobo Studios and Maison Junior team up to give audiovisual writing training

Tuesday, 03 November 2020 14:46
Yobo Studios and Maison Junior team up to give audiovisual writing training

(Togo First) - In Togo, Maison Junior plans to train 15 young Togolese in audiovisual writing. In this framework, the association which provides such training in many African countries has partnered with Yobo Studios. 

The two partners have launched a call for applications to give a 10-month training on writing for animated series, fiction, and TV magazines. 

The fifteen young Togolese who will be picked will work on projects for well-known broadcasters like Gulli, Canal +, and TV5Monde. Besides boosting the creative skills of trainees, the project also aims to identify young talents in this field.

Maison Junior collaborates with the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. 

Interested persons have until November 6 to submit their application. 

Servan Ahougnon

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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