Togo: Government to dedicate CFA1.5 billion more to generic drug purchase

Wednesday, 07 February 2024 17:26
Togo: Government to dedicate CFA1.5 billion more to generic drug purchase

(Togo First) - CAMEG Togo, the country’s body for generic drug purchases, will receive CFA1.5 billion from the government. The move, which aligns with Lomé’s Universal Healthcare project (AMU in French) was disclosed by the Minister of Health, Prof. Moustafa Mijiyawa.

The official claimed the additional financing would “broaden the CAMEG’s capacity to secure drugs.” He issued the statement last month, on a nationwide awareness tour on the Universal Healthcare project. 

Investing in generic drugs aims to make it easier for people nationwide to get affordable but quality medicine.

For the CAMEG, this decision means it will play a major role in the AMU project. Also, the government has been discussing with other stakeholders to ensure the project’s success. These stakeholders include the National Institute for Health Insurance (INAM), the National Fund for Social Security (CNSS), insurance companies, medical agents, and more. 

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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