PM Dogbe, first Togolese figure to get Covid-19 vaccine

Wednesday, 10 March 2021 16:16
PM Dogbe, first Togolese figure to get Covid-19 vaccine

(Togo First) - In Togo, the Covid-19 vaccination campaign officially began on March 10, 2021. The first person to get a shot of the AstraZeneca was Prime Minister Victoire Dogbe. 

Under the pilot phase of the campaign, mainly health workers, both in the private and public sectors will be vaccinated. Besides them, it should cover 60% of people of more than 50 years old living in the Greater Lomé region - this makes nearly 180,000 people. 

In the following stages, Togo expects around 450,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines which it should get under the Covax initiative. However, talks are underway to acquire Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. Also, Lomé should receive part of the 240 million doses ECOWAS is set to secure via its “Vaccine Revolving Fund.”

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