Togo to soon have a national council for fighting cancer

Monday, 15 January 2024 17:14
Togo to soon have a national council for fighting cancer

(Togo First) - Togo will set up a body devoted to the management and coordination of anti-cancer actions–the National Council for the Fight Against Cancer. Lomé issued the decree announcing the entity’s creation last Friday, Jan 12.

The Council will steer prevention and care actions. It will also ensure the mobilization of resources needed to fight cancer nationwide. 

For the government, cancer is “a genuine public health issue” and that explains the Council’s creation. Cancer, the authorities stressed, “is currently the second leading cause of mortality across all of the subregion’s hospitals, after cardiovascular diseases.” Togo recorded over 7,000 new cases of cancer in 2022, according to official data. 

Besides the Council’s upcoming creation, the country, it should be recalled, had already adopted a national strategy to fight the disease and established the National Cancer Institute.

Esaïe Edoh

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