Togo: Ex-Minister of Health Moustafa Mijiyawa Eyes WHO Africa Director Seat

Monday, 17 March 2025 10:56
Togo: Ex-Minister of Health Moustafa Mijiyawa Eyes WHO Africa Director Seat

(Togo First) - Moustafa Mijiyawa, formerly Minister of Health of Togo, is running for the position of World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa. 

Togo nominated him, and WHO has selected him alongside four other candidates. The election will take place on May 18, 2025, in Geneva, during the second session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa.

Mijiyawa was a Minister from 2015 to 2024 and has been a rheumatologist for over 30 years, working in Togo and abroad. His career includes roles in medical education, physiotherapy, and designing prostheses and orthoses. For nearly 20 years, he led the National School of Medical Auxiliaries in Lomé (ENAM) and coordinated a rheumatology program at the University of Lomé as a research professor.

If elected, Mijiyawa will focus on improving public health in Africa. He will lead efforts in disease prevention, control, and building healthcare capacity. His responsibilities will include managing health emergencies like epidemics and working with countries, agencies, and NGOs. He also plans to improve healthcare infrastructure, access to primary care, and training for medical staff.

This election follows the untimely death of Dr. Faustine Ndugulile in November 2024. Ndugulile, a Tanzanian, was the incoming director of WHO Africa.

Esaïe Edoh


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