ECOWAS: Togo Hosts Regional Meeting to Harmonize Health Education Programs

Wednesday, 17 July 2024 10:35
ECOWAS: Togo Hosts Regional Meeting to Harmonize Health Education Programs

(Togo First) - Lomé is hosting a three-day meeting focused on harmonizing health education programs in the ECOWAS. The meeting began on July 16 and was organized by the West African Health Organization (WAHO). It gathered ECOWAS health officials and professionals.

The participants will work on aligning the content of basic and specialized training curricula in the three official ECOWAS languages - English, French, and Portuguese. They will also focus on harmonizing scientific and pedagogical terminology across all health professions.

"It's about the training of those who have to look after people's health, and so it's very important for us that we have harmonization of everything that's dispensed. This will enable us to equip health facilities with qualified personnel for adequate care," explained Melchior Athanase, WAHO's General Manager, at the opening of the proceedings.

Balogou Kofi, representing Togo's Minister of Health, also stressed the importance of this initiative. "This harmonization is essential to improve the quality of training for healthcare professionals. It will ensure that health structures in member countries are equipped with highly qualified personnel," he said.

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