Togo Gets $19 Million from Pandemic Control Fund to Better Face Health Crises

Tuesday, 20 August 2024 18:22
Togo Gets $19 Million from Pandemic Control Fund to Better Face Health Crises

(Togo First) - The "Strengthening Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies" project was officially launched in Togo on August 19. The Minister of Health, Moustafa Mijiyawa, launched the initiative in Lomé, the capital. Togo secured $19 million (approximately CFA11 billion) from the Pandemic Control Fund to finance the project.

Fruit of a collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the project aims to help Togo–its public health system especially–be better prepared for, and resilient to, health crises. 

According to the WHO, Togo “faces a high risk of epidemics, including cholera, meningitis, avian influenza, Lassa fever, Ebola, Marburg, and Mpox. The country's long land borders and highly mobile population increase its vulnerability to diseases that can cross borders.”

Over the next three years, the project will focus on improving disease surveillance, laboratory systems, and human resources to better manage and prevent future health crises

"The support and collaboration of WHO, FAO, and UNICEF are invaluable in making this initiative a success and building a healthier future for all," said Priya Basu, Executive Director of the Pandemic Fund.

Minister Mijiyawa emphasized that the project will help institutionalize integrated approaches to pandemic prevention and response based on the ‘One Health’ strategy, mobilizing resources for health system preparedness.”

The project is launched at a time when Togo faces the threat of cholera, while other African nations prepare to combat epidemics like monkeypox. 

Esaïe Edoh

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