Togo has spent close to XOF1000 billion to improve its roads in recent years

Monday, 17 February 2020 13:24
Togo has spent close to XOF1000 billion to improve its roads in recent years

(Togo First) - Nearly XOF1000 billion was spent to improve roads in Togo in the recent years, official sources revealed.

The main infrastructures that captured the investment are the national road N°1 , major crossroads and bridges

In detail, more than 430 km of roads along the RN N°1 axis were rehabilitated or built. The segments concerned include Lomé – Davié, Atakpamé –Blitta –Aouda, Nadjil-Tandjouaré – Cinkassé, the bypasses of Aledjo Défalé, and Kanté – Tandjouaré (under construction).

As for the crossroads built, they include among others Tsévié-Tabligbo-Aného, Notsé-Tohoun-Benin Border, Témédja-Badou–Ghana border and the junctions of Kougnohou and Kouméa, Pya-Tchariè and Soumdina. The goal of these projects is to unclog production sites. In this same framework, more than 5,000km of rural roads were rehabilitated. 

Last are the bridges which include a 95m bridge at Aneho, 120m bridge at Alinmondji, a 120m bridge across the Kara River in Katchamba and two bridges (spanning respectively 160 m and 93 m) that cross the Koumongou and Mô Rivers. 

Among other important road projects falling under the national development plan is the one involving the doubling of the RN N°1 track. 

Séna Akoda

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