Togo: Gbaga Channel Will Be Dredged Over Next 9 Months

Friday, 30 August 2024 13:23
Togo: Gbaga Channel Will Be Dredged Over Next 9 Months

(Togo First) - Togolese authorities plan to launch a major cleanup operation for the Gbaga channel, a natural border with Benin. Both countries will be involved. 

Set to cost CFA4.7 billion, the cleanup is part of the WACA ResIP Coastal Resilience Program. The latter aims to reduce flooding risks and improve the quality of life for riverside communities.

The 30 km-long Gbaga channel faces silting, pollution, and erosion.

Its dredging, which is expected to take nine months, will include mowing and sediment excavation. These will follow environmental and social impact studies.

TC MARINES/ZILLA GROUP and the INROS LACKNER/ DECO IC/ IGIP/ Afrique consortium will carry out and monitor the project.

Surrounding residents were informed about the project a month ago, via a radio program launched by WACA in Togo. 

The dredging project aims to curb growing environmental pressures on the wetland and bolster climate resilience living conditions in the Lacs 1 and Lacs 2 municipalities.

"These works aim to reduce flooding and improve navigation while creating thousands of jobs for young people. Cooperation from riverside populations is essential for the success of this initiative," noted Dr. Alimi Adou Rahim, WACA ResIP program coordinator in Togo.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi


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