Togo: National Cybersecurity Agency Adds Three New Options to Public e-Services Platform

Thursday, 06 March 2025 12:05
Togo: National Cybersecurity Agency Adds Three New Options to Public e-Services Platform

(Togo First) - The Togolese public e-services platform recently welcomed three new options. The options were integrated by the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCy). 

Effectively, the platform’s users can now submit, online, applications for qualifying service providers and security products, and directly request approvals from assessment centers. They can also track their applications in real time and communicate with ANCy using a built-in chat tool. The move falls under the government’s efforts to modernize public administration while addressing the need for secure online transactions in a world increasingly reliant on digital tools.

Launched in 2021, the ANCy was set up to regulate and secure digital activities in Togo.

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