Tech: Togo hosts Make Africa 2023 innovation festival

Thursday, 09 November 2023 15:14
Tech: Togo hosts Make Africa 2023 innovation festival

(Togo First) - Make Africa 2023 is currently ongoing in Lomé, the capital of Togo. This is an African festival on tech innovation and maker culture.

This year, the theme of the festival is “Faire Ensemble”(Do Together). Around 300 innovators, from different Fablabs (local laboratories focused on invention, creation, and research), will take part in the event. They are all from French-speaking African countries.

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The forum will host conferences, workshops, and demonstrations, to show the world more of the potential of young innovators, and above all to catalyze and promote technological innovation within the continent's Faire spaces. This, in particular, by encouraging collaboration, diversity, and entrepreneurship, and by strengthening the digital skills of all concerned.

"We want to create an inclusive and dynamic community where talents meet, ideas are exchanged and technological innovation can be stimulated. The event offers a unique opportunity for participants from all backgrounds to collaborate, learn from each other, and help shape a prosperous digital future for Africa," said Médard Agbayazon, president of the Francophone Network of West African Fablabs. The latter regroups around 30 Fablabs.

Started on November 7, the Make Africa 2023 Festival ends on November 11. Previous editions were hosted in Cotonou and Abidjan. 


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