Togo wants to modernize its press and communication code

Thursday, 28 November 2019 15:04
Togo wants to modernize its press and communication code

(Togo First) - To make its media and communications sector more professional, the government of Togo adopted yesterday a bill establishing a new press and communication code. This was during the ministers' council held the same day.

The new code should cover online media, integrate the concept of press company, instead of press organs, and set rules for the issuance, withdrawal, renewal, and suspension of the press card. Besides, it also establishes the creation of a single self-regulatory entity for media operating in Togo, as well as that of a press support and development fund.

In the event the parliament adopts the code, it should also enable the High Authority for Broadcasting and Communication (HAAC) to "better regulate press companies," a statement from the ministers' council reads.


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