Togo : Supreme Court to process in the next six months 500 pending cases dating from 1994 to 2010

Thursday, 24 January 2019 18:08
Togo : Supreme Court to process in the next six months 500 pending cases dating from 1994 to 2010

(Togo First) - On Wednesday 23 January, Togo’s Supreme Court started processing all its pending cases. The procedure is to use six months to process 500 cases overall.

These cases cover the 1994-2010 period. The Court will process the cases during extraordinary audiences. This will satisfy tens of complainants who have been waiting for many years for the justice to deliberate on their cases.

While land issues represent most of the cases to process, according to Akakpovi Gamato, President of the Supreme Court, “there are also cases related to maritime issues, commercial issues”…and many more.

The magistrate adds that the new campaign marks a new era, an era in which “every actor, magistrates especially, is called to talk the law, only the law”, to better serve the Togolese people.

The campaign is backed by the European Union, through its Justice Support Program (PASJ) launched in 2016.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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