Togo: Campaign for upcoming regional and legislative polls begins

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 16:36
Togo: Campaign for upcoming regional and legislative polls begins

(Togo First) - Togo has launched into a two-week campaign frenzy ahead of its legislative and regional elections, commencing nationwide on April 13.

With over 2,300 candidates contending for the 113 deputy seats and 284 competing for regional council positions, the political landscape is bustling with activity.

The campaign will wrap up on Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 48 hours before the polls on Monday, April 29th, 2024. Notably, the Togolese Armed Forces, security forces, paramilitary forces, and operational reserve will vote early on Friday, April 26th, 2024.

These electoral deadlines were slightly postponed amid discussions surrounding proposed constitutional changes by the National Assembly. These changes aim to transition the country to a fifth republic and a parliamentary system. The revision has undergone national consultations led by Assembly members across the nation, fostering ongoing public discourse.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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