Robert Dussey represents Togo in Samoa for talks about ACP-EU agreements

Monday, 25 February 2019 17:12
Robert Dussey represents Togo in Samoa for talks about ACP-EU agreements

(Togo First) - Togo’s minister of foreign affairs, Robert Dussey, is presently in Apia, Samoa Islands, for the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) summit currently being held there.

During the meeting, participants will review the policies put in place by the ACP regions, and also assess how far advanced are talks related to laws regulating partnership with the European Union. These laws should substitute the Cotonou Agreements which expire next year.

“This is a historical meeting since it officially marks the start of talks for this regional pillar, following the adoption of the ACP mandate to negotiate a new partnership agreement with the European Union,” said Dussey.

It should be noted that many meetings have been held to renegotiate the partnership. In May 2018 for example, Lomé hosted such meetings on the sidelines of the 107th session of the ACP council of ministers.

The Cotonou Agreements, let’s recall, were signed in June 2000, replacing the Lomé convention. They regroup 79 ACP member States and 28 European Union nations, thus totaling a population of around 700 million people.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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