ACP-EU : Talks for new partnership to begin

Monday, 25 June 2018 19:24
ACP-EU : Talks for new partnership to begin

(Togo First) - The European Commission got approval and instructions from its council last Friday to start talks regarding a new partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP). This was tweeted by the institution’s representation in Togo.

The greenlight comes three weeks after the 107th session of the ACP ministers’ council and the 43rd session of the ACP-EU ministers’ council in Lomé.

Togo on the occasion had been appointed by other participating nations to head the ACP ministers’ council, which will negotiate the new partnership agreement in Brussels.

Signed in 2000, the actual agreement (the Cotonou Agreement) expires in February 2020 and plans for the start of talks for a new partnership by the end of August 2018.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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