Parties found to be involved in fraudulent transactions to pay a heavy tax fine

Public finance
Monday, 01 February 2021 11:56
Parties found to be involved in fraudulent transactions to pay a heavy tax fine

(Togo First) - Anyone in Togo involved in a business, financial, or any other transaction must identify their business partner or partners. Failure to do so is sanctionable by a fine amounting to 50% of the transaction’s value. The penalty is set by the 2021 Tax Procedure Book.

When the beneficiary of a shady transaction is not identified, parties involved will equally share the payment of the tax associated with the operation as well as a fine equivalent to 50% of the transaction’s value. 

This rule forces those doing business together to primarily identify their clients or suppliers to avoid transactions they carry out from being defined as fake or shady. 

It will make it easier for the tax authority to verify the authenticity of amounts declared, and if business partners are real or fake. Ultimately, the goal of the measure is, according to sources from Togo’s Tax Office (OTR), to fight tax evasion and tax fraud. When parties involved in a transaction are not identified, the person who collected the VAT does not transfer it into our accounts

Hence, “if the goal is to hide the identity of the customer or supplier, or the transaction, we will assume fraud and the 50% fine will be applied,” said a tax expert. 

Séna Akoda

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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