Government paid more than CFA55bn of arrears on internal debt between January and November 2018

Public finance
Tuesday, 04 December 2018 16:13
Government paid more than CFA55bn of arrears on internal debt between January and November 2018

(Togo First) - Over the past 11 months, Togo’s government paid back to private firms CFA55 billion of arrears it owed them. According to the authorities, this aligns with a huge domestic debt clearance program.

The program’s primary goal is to increase private sector’s investment capacity as the sector is the driver of the national development plan (PND). Indeed, private sector should contribute 65% of investments projected under the five-year plan.

Its second goal is to develop an appropriate macroeconomic framework by improving public finances, in line with specifications set by the IMF.

To achieve these goals, Lomé intends to reprofile its debt. The country plans to negotiate an external loan with a long maturity period to repay its internal debt. While the move mainly aims to cut refinancing risk over the next five years (since internal debt usually has short maturity periods), it should also help local businesses gain more investment margin and trust the State more.

At end-December 2017, Togo’s internal debt was estimated at CFA1688 billion, thus 58.8% of the GDP, the IMF said at its second review of the Extended Credit Facility (ECF).

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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