UMOA-Securities: Togo raised CFA35 billion last Friday

Public finance
Saturday, 05 February 2022 13:43
UMOA-Securities: Togo raised CFA35 billion last Friday

(Togo First) - Togo’s Treasury successfully closed, last Friday, its latest fundraising on the UMOA-securities. The country secured CFA35 billion by issuing fungible treasury bonds, with a 10-year maturity period and an interest rate of 5.90%.

This was Lomé’s third issue on the regional money market this year and according to the UMOA-Titres Agency, 22 regional investors subscribed, raising CFA69 billion, in total. That is twice the amount the country was seeking. 

Including Friday’s round, Togo raised so far into the year CFA99 billion on the regional market, out of CFA550 billion it will attempt to raise throughout 2022. A target that is slightly above the CFA530 billion fixed in the 2022 Finance Act.

Esaïe Edoh

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