WAEMU-Securities: Togo Raises CFA31 Billion on the regional stock market

Public finance
Monday, 05 June 2023 16:08
WAEMU-Securities: Togo Raises CFA31 Billion on the regional stock market

(Togo First) - Last Friday, Togo successfully raised CFA31 billion ($56 million) on the West African public securities market. Lomé raised the funds through a simultaneous issue of Treasury Bonds and Bills (BAT and OAT).

According to the Umoa-Titres agency, Togo secured CFA26 billion with the bills and the remaining CFA5 billion came through the bonds. The former will mature over 182 days and the latter over 3 and 5 years. 

Overall, submissions to the issue, according to the agency’s report, amounted to CFA41 billion, a coverage rate of 138.44%.

The report also indicates that of the 31 billion raised, 11 billion came from Togolese investors.

Since the year began, Togo has raised, including this recent operation, CFA264 billion on the regional market. That is about half of its annual target–CFA574 billion. 

Esaïe Edoh

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