Togo seeks CFA35 billion on the WAEMU market this week

Public finance
Tuesday, 08 August 2023 16:07
Togo seeks CFA35 billion on the WAEMU market this week

(Togo First) - Togo launched last week a simultaneous bond issue on the WAEMU market. Set to close on August 11, the operation has a target of CFA35 billion. 

In detail, Lomé has issued fungible treasury bills or BATs and fungible treasury bonds or OATs. The former securities have a nominal value of CFA1 million, multiple interest rates, and mature over 364 days. The latter, the OATs, have a nominal value of CFA10,000 and interest rates of 6% and 6.25%, with respective maturities of 3 and 5 years. 

According to the issue notice, Togo will use the proceeds to finance its budget for 2023. The latter stands at CFA1,957 billion.

Esaïe Edoh

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