Togo: National budget scaled up to CFA1,975.5 billion

Public finance
Monday, 09 October 2023 17:28
Togo: National budget scaled up to CFA1,975.5 billion

(Togo First) - Togo’s National Assembly revised its 2023 finance act last week, at the request of the government. Initially set at CFA1,957.9 billion, the national budget was scaled up to CFA1,975.5 billion, revenues and expenditures.

In detail, revenues now stand at CFA1,204.1 billion, against CFA1,187.2 billion before the revision. Expenditures, for their part, were scaled up by 1.1%, from CFA1,554.7 billion to CFA1,572.3 billion.

The government said the amendment was necessary given the current global environment, marked by Covid’s return in China, the war in Ukraine, and Central Banks tightening their monetary policies.

According to the Minister of Finance and Economy, Sani Yaya, the revision will allow the authorities to “continue and strengthen the efforts undertaken on the security front".

Yaya added that "the vote of this rectifying finance law by the elected representatives of the people gives the government the means to pursue its action plan, notably structural reforms and improving the business climate."

According to the government, this budget readjustment will also enable the construction of bridges, a major cancer center, and the rehabilitation of university hospitals.

Esaïe Edoh

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