WAMU Securities: Togo Raises CFA30 Billion in Latest Operation

Public finance
Monday, 15 July 2024 06:50
WAMU Securities: Togo Raises CFA30 Billion in Latest Operation

(Togo First) - Togo raised CFA30.3 billion on the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) securities market last Friday, July 12. That is about CFA5 billion less than the country was targeting for the operation. 

According to the operation’s report, Lomé secured CFA17.5 billion through fungible treasury bills and CFA12.8 billion through fungible treasury bonds. The former mature over a year and the latter over three and five years, at respective rates of 6.15% and 6.40%. 

Overall, 27 investors took part in the operation, raising CFA39.5 billion. This corresponds to a 112.8% subscription rate. 

Adding the recent operation, Togo has raised CFA499 billion on the WAMU market this year. The country’s goal for 2024 is CFA604 billion.

Esaïe Edoh


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