Togo regains momentum on the WAEMU market

Public finance
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 11:07
Togo regains momentum on the WAEMU market

(Togo First) - Lomé raised CFA33 billion on the regional money market on April 24, 2023. The amount is three billion or 10% more than the country was seeking. 

According to the report of the securities market, the Togolese treasury obtained CFA26 billion through fungible treasury bills which mature over 182 days. The remaining CFA7 billion came from 3-year fungible treasury bonds.

The report further indicates that 12 investors subscribed to Togo's issue, bidding up to CFA40 billion. This represents a subscription rate of 133.34% for the operation. 

It is the second consecutive time, since the year began, that Togo exceeds its target on the regional stock market. It raised CFA32 billion, or CFA2 billion more than it was seeking, in its previous issue, which closed on April 7.

Esaïe Edoh

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